Peer to Peer

Planned Plagiarism
July 10, 2015 at 6:00 am

Movements are groups of people, like peer-to-peer fundraisers participating in an event, doing particular things because they believe particular things. Individuals form a belief by seeing themselves—literally as in, “I see my body doing this”—performing actions that support an idea, and taking on that mental idea. It doesn’t matter why a person’s body is engaged in the behavior, the mind will typically take on the belief demonstrated by the behavior...

ALS Community Hopes to Make Ice-Bucket Challenge an Annual Event
July 8, 2015 at 6:00 am

Members of the ALS community aim to reignite the ice-bucket challenge with an eye to making it an annual fundraising event, while acknowledging it will likely continue on a smaller scale. Their rallying cry: Every August until a cure. "A lot of people think it was a one-time shot," said Pat Quinn, who was diagnosed…

Real Life Forrest Gump Runs 1,050 Miles for Charity
June 17, 2015 at 12:43 pm

Ewan Gordon ran a marathon every day for six weeks straight—a whopping total of 1,050 miles—for charity. The Englishman ran the entire length of Great Britain—and grew out his hair and beard to look like Forrest Gump.